Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone who is still reading my blog. I have been home for a few months now...and totally enjoying it. I was able to have a few weeks off before I started my current contract, which was really nice. Melissa gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Nov 12... and it was killing me to miss the birth of Jackson Thomas. He was a beautiful 7lb 20inch bundle of joy. Since I wasn't working until Dec. 2nd, I was able to come up and stay for a week with Melissa and Wes. I really enjoyed helping out . I stayed on the air mattress....and cooked and cleaned...and of course rocked the little Jackson. I really enjoyed my time off. It was much needed after Santa Grosa.

I started orientation at Salem Hospital on Dec. 2nd...which was interesting. They put me through new hire orientation....RIDICULOUS! I had to sit through hospital ethics, body mechanics, and policy training. I was hoping that there would be more hands on training. I didn't know how to use the IV pumps...something that a nurse should probably know. I didn't know how to use computer charting....oh wait...four hours....right that is all I needed! I wasn't impressed with the training, but I had a week of day shift before I started on night shift...which was nice to be on day shift schedule. I started that Friday on night shift orientating with an RN on the floor. I got two 12 hour shifts of orientation on the floor. It is very different than Providence. Salem hospital has: med drawers with keys, paper narrative charting, different IV equipment, different pumps, different beds....needless to say the easy tasks (raising the bed) are small challenges that I have to figure out on my own. Drawing from a central line is very different from the set up at Providence...believe me I learned the hard way (spewing blood everywhere!) I learn something new every night....and am humbled as to how little I really know. I am on a Progressive Care Unit (PCU), pretty much a true step-down unit from ICU. We have open heart patients post-op day 1-2, lots of drips and cardiac meds. I love it. I am challenged every night. One night I was titrating three diltiazem drips at once.....which is a bit of a challenge. At least all the patients had the same the care was similar. I work with a great group of people. Everyone helps everyone else, noone is allowed to get overwhelmed. The floor is a 46ish bed unit and the pt/nurse ratio is 3-4/1 which is really nice. I am working night shift and we have anywhere from 2-4 CNAs on our shift. I was amazed! And the CNAs are awesome. They do most things without being told. We also have an awesome turn team that rounds on our floor every two hours and turns our heavy patients!!!!!!!!!!!! So my back isn't hurting all the time. For the most part I like it, except for the hours. I am totally screwed up on my sleep schedule. I am frequently awake all night...and want to sleep all day. Hopefully that will change with time, but my schedule hasn't allowed me to get used to it yet.

Today I am up in Battleground getting ready for Melissa's 30th Birthday. We are getting up tomorrow and getting pedicures, having lunch, and going shopping...then dinner at the house with everyone! I am making my enchiladas....and of course some should be fun.

I am needing to get to bed now....forcing myself to sleep. Thanks to those of you who are still checking in on my blog. I am sorry I am such a lame blogger, but I am totally enjoying being at home.

Take care all.
-bev =)

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